The Christian Vote Vs. The Anti-Christian Vote

I found the following on a Facebook-Group site for Christians and I completely agree. I don't think the question could be answered any better than this and I wanted to share it with you. He makes a GREAT point! (T. Mobley)

"You will know them by their fruit." Matt. 7:20 . Their voting record is public information.
  • Shedding innocent blood. (abortion)
  • Same Sex marriage
  • Homosexuality
God has clearly spoken against these types of Anti-Biblical actions. One set of Candidates clearly supports these issues (while the other set does not). So, that would be an Anti-Christian vote... No Brainer! Forget the economy, it's not the issue, here!

Personal Note: The Church's Job, Josh? Proclaim the truth! Politics is not off limits when it involves truth proclamation. Jesus, while on this earth exposed the lies in politicians and priests. Thus, His Word guides us in our choice of a Candidate(s) and our choice of church. Pick Biblical ones in both categories!!!

Submitted by~ T. Mobley of Indianapolis

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